Andersen Fibrex vs Marvin Ultrex

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Andersen Fibrex vs Marvin Ultrex

#1 Post by ryanmahan »

Hi all, I've been shopping around for replacement windows for my 1880s home. I've narrowed it down to two choices within my price range, Marvin Elevate and Andersen Woodwright 400s. A local contractor quoted me replacements for these styles at around the same price per window. I went to a few window show rooms to get a feel for each. At one showroom they talked about how they've seen Andersen's Fibrex swell and rot. The other places I went to didn't seem to really have a preference between Fibrex or Ultrex, saying that they were basically the same.

My wife and I like the look of the Woodwrights more, but are concerned that we might have more issues with them. Is there really a difference between Marvin's Ultrex and Andersen's Fibrex?

Thank you in advance. Reading through the posts on this form have really helped with understanding the window market and our shopping. :D

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Re: Andersen Fibrex vs Marvin Ultrex

#2 Post by TheWindowNerd »

Yes there is a real difference, but doe it matter?
"Fibrex" is not fiberglass, and it is no were near as strong. Does it matter, not really, you do not need the added strenght.
Look at the warranties and compare. Also look the air leakage actual test results.

I lean towards the AW400 Woodwright, I have not seen or heard of any rot issue.


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Re: Andersen Fibrex vs Marvin Ultrex

#3 Post by Windows on Washington »

Between those two units, I think the larger determinant will be which window that you like the look of more to be frank.

Ask for the Air infiltration data on both as well the thermal data on the units in the quoted capacity. I think the numbers will be fairly consistent so it will come back down to the "Looks consideration" again.

Both are solid companies and as TWN mentioned, the quoted strength of the composite vs. fiberglass is mostly non sequitur.

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