Tax credit eligibility based on list or just by the requirements? (OKNA)

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Tax credit eligibility based on list or just by the requirements? (OKNA)

#1 Post by cinders »

I have an acceptable quote for OKNA 500 (insul-tec) 6 double hung approx 36 x 60 for which I was hoping to get energy star rebates.

When I went to find out the limits on the rebates I realized that the 500 double pane no longer qualifies under the new standards set in 2023 which are now based on "most efficient". My dealer confirmed this and said the double panes won't qualify anymore. He gave me a reasonable price to upgrade to the triple-pane XR9 which should qualify based on the U factor and SHGC. I did a test run on turbotax and it didn't ask for any info about the windows, but did allow the credit based on my tax situation. I don't know if it (IRS) asks for receipts or models once you are ready to submit your taxes.

My question is how do I confirm that this window is eligible when it's not on the list? I probably wouldn't upgrade to triple if the rebate weren't going to cover it. We are only doing 5-6 windows at this time in South Jersey, may do more in the future. Here is the link to search for qualified windows and screenshots of the new requirements and OKNA 500 specs. I didn't know how to add image here so I used dropbox. ... ws/results ... dszqa&dl=0 ... aj0yt&dl=0

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Re: Tax credit eligibility based on list or just by the requirements? (OKNA)

#2 Post by Windows on Washington »

Easy enough to just have the dealer indicated the model and performance data on your receipt. That document, saved with your records, should be sufficient to justify the tax credit.

If you want to go a step further, you can keep the NFRC labels from the windows with your other records.

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Re: Tax credit eligibility based on list or just by the requirements? (OKNA)

#3 Post by Ricknez »

FYI, I never heard of anyone having to show any proof. The 2 popular wood brands haven't met those standards and yet people always get the tax credit although probably out of being uninformed as to what the guidelines were.

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Re: Tax credit eligibility based on list or just by the requirements? (OKNA)

#4 Post by HomeSealed »

The tax credit availability is based on meeting the requirements as opposed to being on a list. We provide our customers documentation of the product ratings as well as the other info needed to file and document that, I suspect that most dealers do.

The Okna 500dx with Xr9 glass does meet the Energy Star Most Efficient qualifications needed for the tax credit.

While none of us here are tax professionals (that I know of), we can confirm that the documentation is for your records only as you are correct, the IRS docs don't require entry of the info.

Do some people cheat and take the credit on windows that don't qualify? Probably.
I wouldn't recommend doing so. I suspect the documentation would be needed if you were audited.

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